"Zoetically Me Poetry" is a Personalized Ghostwriting Catering Service founded in 2008 and went online in 2013.
Whenever there's a special occasion, event, or situation, most people will purchase a greeting card with words similar to what they would say. Sometimes, finding the right greeting card could take time, reading one greeting card after the next.

Although these quick words are still words from the heart and widely accepted, wouldn't it be different, very well thought of and putting that extra energy and attention to say the words of your choice exactly how you'd like them in a handmade greeting card, photo frame, scroll, or on a custom product?

Our Personalized Ghostwriting Service is for Those Who Think Outside the box, prefer the purity of saying words how they'd like them, and want to resonate with their experience in day-to-day life through all Occasions, Events, and Situations.
​"Regardless of Big or Small, We Write It All."
Through Happy and Challenging Times, We Will Fill in the Lines. We offer different writing services, giving you privacy and exclusive ownership of whatever we write for you.

We have over 1,000 decorative backgrounds of occasions, scenic nature, dogs, cats, waterfalls, silhouettes, plants, etc., to choose from.

We Offer a Diverse One-Stop Ghostwriting Service with Expertise in Creative Writing in Poetry, Quotes, Short Stories, and other Genre Writings such as Non-Fiction, Fiction, Drama, Fables, Fairy Tales, Folklore, Fantasy, Horror, Legend, Mystery, Mythology, Historical, Realistic, and Science Fiction, Tall Tale, etc. for any Occasion, Event, or Situation.

We write Biographies and Memoirs and a Biography Scrapbook Video about your Life in a Video.

We write for Entertainment, specializing in Songwriting and Poetic Rap.
​Looking for a songwriter or poetic rap lyrics for your next big hit; we write songs and raps for beginners and professionals.
We also have songs and poetic rap lyrics already written for purchase.
​Let us help you write your first or next big hit.

We also create Short Videos for any Occasion, Event, or Situation, including YouTube, Podcast, etc.
​"We Clone It, You Own It."

Meet the Founder, Owner, Author, Poet, Writer, Positive Motivational Speaker/Coach, and Website Designer/Builder:

Click on the links below to learn more about other services by Queen Voice.